Some of you may have noticed a public, modded PVE server clustered up to our unmodded PVP cluster. I created this Ark to provide a safe haven for those who wanted to run boss battles and breed dinosaurs in peace with some added QOL mods like S+.

The idea was to allow large tribes to build up their own little safe havens, where they could focus on breeding blood lines and farming crops in peace, without having to build super secure structures. Invent management would have been made easier with S+ remote transceiver, and non-BP items could be converted to BPs with the workbench. My thinking was that if I gave alphas a safe haven from being wiped out of power, they could contribute back into the bob community and help players build up, making raids more of a fun activity as opposed to a constant, game-threating fear.

Unfortunately, I ran into a small snag. When the PVE server was registered against the PVP cluster, it booted a random PVP cluster node out of the cluster. That node was still a fully fledged cluster member however it would not appear in the transfer listings, meaning we lost a random PVP server from the cluster every time the PVE server was online.

Without access to Wildcards source code, I cannot fix this. There’s no provision for server admins to cater for this kind of configuration.

This did get me thinking about running a PVE cluster, with some worlds PVP. That would be an interesting experiment however we have tried similar setups in the past and our BattleMetrics show that our servers depend on unmodded PVP in order to attract a population.

Just thought I’d throw this up to answer the unasked questions someone might have had.